Brands & Celebrities
Celebrities, brands or any popular personalities are commonly the subject of many articles, videos, and photos created and shared about them online. While they are the source of interest and the content about them is generating revenue for publishers, news outlets and social media platforms, they do not get a share of that revenue.
As with all other participants, PUBLC recognizes how valuable these popular figures are and believes that they should be rewarded for the popularity and traffic that they bring to the platform.
Moreover, PUBLC does a very important job for celebrities and brands by collecting all the scattered content about them from across the web into one topic page dedicated to the brand or the personality. This in turn helps celebrities and brands gain more exposure and fan engagement.
Importantly, as users visit and consume content from the celebrity or the brand page, they are getting paid for their popularity, giving them a real source of revenue that they rightfully deserve.
New way to for celebrities to collaborate with brands: PUBLC enhances celebrity or influencer value towards brands by enabling them to create new types of brand-influence campaigns. On PUBLC, the content that features a brand will not only appear on the celebrity or influencer page, but also on the brand's page and any other related pages, creating more organic engagement across the board.
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